FallTech Contractor Harnesses
/Asset/Contractor Harness.png
/Asset/Contractor Harness.png
/Asset/Contractor Harness.png
/Asset/Contractor Harness.png

Large FallTech Contractor Harness
- Standard, non-belted
- 1 back D-ring, tongue buckle legs, mating buckle chest
- 5 points of adjustment (chest, legs, torso)
- Paired mating buckles adjusters on front torso
- Torso keeper for stowing lanyard connector

XL FallTech Contractor Harness
- Standard, non-belted
- 1 back D-ring, tongue buckle legs, mating buckle chest
- 5 points of adjustment (chest, legs, torso)
- Paired mating buckles adjusters on front torso
- Torso keeper for stowing lanyard connector

2X FallTech Contractor Harness
- Standard, non-belted
- 1 back D-ring, tongue buckle legs, mating buckle chest
- 5 points of adjustment (chest, legs, torso)
- Paired mating buckles adjusters on front torso
- Torso keeper for stowing lanyard connector

3X FallTech Contractor Harness
- Standard, non-belted
- 1 back D-ring, tongue buckle legs, mating buckle chest
- 5 points of adjustment (chest, legs, torso)
- Paired mating buckles adjusters on front torso
- Torso keeper for stowing lanyard connector